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After assessing the population's health in five eastern DRC, we developed the GLOBAL AS-SISTANCE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN (GAW & C ) project. We identified the need for accessibility to care, particularly in the field of gyneco-obstetrics, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Following sexual violence and other multiple atrocities of which women and children are vic-tims, we decided as humanitarians to intervene on their behalf to relieve them of suffering and give them a second chance in life.


Orphaned children as well are living without proper care and support. In these areas, women and orphans live on their own, abandoned. That is why we created the NGO called GLOBAL AS-SISTANCE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN to take care of these women and children and secure humanity's future. We believe that weakened women equal weakened families and com-munities. We are revamping five medical and rehabilitation centers that will accommodate chil-dren between the ages of 1 to 17 and facilities for vulnerable female victims of rape. We are ded-icated 100% to program development.

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